What is the Super Hug Club?

The Super Hug Club is a Community that Understands and Acknowledges the Benefits and Importance of, and Actively Engages in the Practice of Super Hugging. 

What is a Super Hug?

A Super Hug is a Consensual, Platonic 20-second or longer Heart-to-Heart Hug that has been Scientifically-Proven to Heal Us by Reducing Heart Rate, Blood Pressure and Cortisol, and Increasing Immunity, Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphins and Oxytocin. 

What is the Purpose of the Super Hug Club?

The Purpose of the Super Hug Club is to Fulfill Humanity's Need for Safe, Consensual, Platonic, Physical Connection.

What is the Mission of the Super Hug Club?

The Mission of the Super Hug Club is to Cultivate and Expand Safe Community Environments based on Standardized Practices and Agreements to Facilitate Intra- and Interpersonal Healing.

What is the Vision of the Super Hug Club?

The Vision of the Super Hug Club is Universal Human Connection and World Peace.